
2006年8月11日—...bookshavebeendevotedtotheproblemofmultiplecomparisons;the...pdf.Thepopulationconcentrationellipseisthecontouroffthat ...,Inthisimportantbook,D.R.Coxdevelopsthekeyconceptsofthetheoryofstatisticalinference,inparticulardescribingandcomparingthemainideas ...,Thisisanewapproachtoanintroductorystatisticalinferencetextbook,motivatedbyprobabilitytheoryaslogic.ItistargetedtothetypicalS...

An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications

2006年8月11日 — ... books have been devoted to the problem of multiple comparisons; the ... pdf. The population concentration ellipse is the contour of f that ...

Principles of Statistical Inference

In this important book, D. R. Cox develops the key concepts of the theory of statistical inference, in particular describing and comparing the main ideas ...

Statistical Inference For Everyone

This is a new approach to an introductory statistical inference textbook, motivated by probability theory as logic. It is targeted to the typical Statistics ...

Statistical Inference 2nd Edition PDF

Discusses use of simulation in mathematical statistics. Includes a thorough introduction to large sample statistical methods. Covers the elementary linear ...

Statistical Inference

The book can be used for a two-semester, or three-quarter, introductory course in statistics. The first four chapters cover basics of probability theory and ...

Probability and Statistical Inference

2017年7月1日 — This textbook aims to foster the theory of both probability and statistical inference for first-year graduate students in statistics or ...